Writer-director Patricia Kelly’s debut feature revolves around an unlikely friendship between two very different women. Recently retired and rather lonely, middle-aged Marian (Geraldine McAlinden) takes a temporary job as a census enumerator. While out collecting information, she meets a feisty teenager named Jewel (Maya O’Shea) who has been living as a sex worker after being abandoned by her mother. Gradually, they develop an unlikely bond, as both are outsiders in their different ways. With this unexpected ally at her side, Marian soon realizes she can forge a new and empowering future, maybe for both of them. Witty and endearing, ‘Verdigris’ was winner of Best Independent Film at the 2023 Galway Film Fleadh.
“Deeply humane … Lovely performances from Geraldine McAlinden, as an unsatisfied middle-aged lady, and Maya O’Shea, as the dogged older teenager she befriends.”
Donald Clarke, The Irish Times
Language: English
Genre: DramA
Runtime: 95 min
YEAR: 2023
Film preceded with the short film:
Finnegans Wake, Chapter 2
Excerpt: “The Ballad of Persse O’Reilly”
“Toronto’s enterprising One Little Goat Theatre Company” (New York Times) continues its cinematic journey through James Joyce’s divine and delirious comedy, Finnegans Wake as brought to life by the virtuosic performance of Irish-Canadian actor Richard Harte. Directed by Adam Seelig, Finnegans Wake: “The Ballad of Persse O’Reilly” features the novel’s main song in all its bawdy glory, filmed live at Noonan’s Irish Pub in Toronto.
“Richard Harte has found a way to crack the private code and maintain the original voltage… of one of the most funny and challenging novels of the 20th century, Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, in a first-of-its-kind filmed reading.” — Cahir O’Doherty, The Irish Voice
With support from the Emigrant Support Programme from the Government of Ireland and Friends of One Little Goat Theatre Company.
“Actor Richard Harte has found a way to crack the private code and maintain the original voltage… of one of the most funny and challenging novels of the 20th century, Joyce’s Finnegans Wake.”
Cahir O’Doherty, The Irish Voice
With the support from the Emigrant Support Programme from the Government of Ireland and Friends of One Little Goat Theatre Company.